Title: Cases in neurology: Concussion. Assault on an 18 year old female.
Speaker: Joseph S. Ferezy, DC
Video with Slides – 2 CEU
Class Description:
This class includes a videotaped patient case. The patient was brought by her treating chiropractor to the neurology diplomate program in Las Vegas Nevada in March of 2003. She was an 18 year old female complaining of headaches, memory problems, dizziness, “hands shake”, “twitching” a past seizure and past blurred vision following head and neck trauma (concussion) following an assault which occurred on July 11, 2002. This class includes a review of the medical records prior to meeting the patient, the complete recorded examination with discussion, and a brief case discussion to conclude.
List the differential diagnoses that may accompany various symptoms.
Describe various essential elements of the history taking process.
Use proper language and nomenclature when discussing brain injury.
Recognize aspects of so called “post concussion syndrome” or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI).
Recite levels of consciousness.
Discuss scoring criterion when using the Glascow Coma Scale.
Identify abnormal imaging findings associated with concussion on diffusion tensor tractography.
Define and describe “myoclonic jerks”.
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