Title: Meninges and Vascular Clinical Aspects of Spinal Cord Disease and a Case of Brain Tumor
Speaker: Joseph S. Ferezy, DC
Video with Slides – 2 CEU
Class Description:
This class is designed as an overview of the anatomy of the meninges, arterial and venous CNS circulations and cerebrospinal production, circulations and drainage. There is focus on the anatomy and function, as well as on the clinical presentation of various related disorders. The relationship between disease of the vascular systems of the CNS and the clinical evaluation in chiropractic practice is underscored. The class includes a grand rounds type case presentation.
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the meninges
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the arterial and venous CNS circulation
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation
Illustrate the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various areas
Outline various categories for vascular CNS lesions
Utilize a Grand Rounds type case presentation.
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