Objectives for 201b-c100 c171
Clinical Aspects of Spinal Cord Disease
Course Title: Introduction to Chiropractic Clinical Neurology: Clinical Aspects of Spinal Cord Disease
Course Instructor: Joseph S. Ferezy, DC
CE: One (1) Classroom Hours
Format: Neurology lecture augmented by title, and graphic slides, supplementary class notes and five (5) corresponding test questions.
Class Description:
This class is a case study regarding a young man with an acute onset of paralysis. Diagnosis, protocols and medico-legal issues are explored. Focus is on the clinical signs of spinal cord disease and the management of acute paraplegia.
Class Objectives:
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a paraplegic
Explore the relevant issues and action protocols involved in acute spinal cord disease
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Summarize relevant functional neurology of the spinal cord.
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