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Neurology 314e2
Course Title: Bedside Neurological Examination Review:
Sub Title: Head, Neck, & Thyroid Examination, Evaluation of the Cranial Nerves with Review of Cervical Manipulation & VBI
Course Instructor: Joseph S. Ferezy, DC
CE: Five (5) CE Classroom Hours
Format: 10 - 25 minute parts Video of live class
Class Description:
This class is a part of a grand review of the bedside neurological examination, focusing The hands on evaluation of the neck (including the thyroid gland), head, cranial nerves, and also a review of the subject of vertebrobasilar accident following cervical manipulation. The chiropractic physician must be able to differentiate disease of the neuro-musculoskeletal system and a competent examination is of key importance. The formal or “hands on” portion of the examination should be performed by the physician who is best trained in that type of diagnosis. The doctor of chiropractic is uniquely qualified to perpetuate the knowledge of the bedside physical examination and pass these skills to the next generation of doctors of chiropractic. Join chiropractic neurologist Dr. Ferezy in a rapid fire video lecture covering important aspects of the evaluation of the clinical bedside neurological examination of the head, thyroid, neck, and cranial nerves, with an additional review of the issue of cervical manipulation and vertebrobasilar ischemia.
Class Objectives:
Identify the areas of proper placement of the stethoscope bell in order to auscultate various arteries and other vascular structures available in the head and neck.
Perform palpation of the thyroid gland.
Perform an examination of the cranial nerves.
Evaluate the head and neck for signs of nervous system trauma.
Draw out the visual pathways from retina to striate cortex of the occipital lobe.
Associate patterns of visual field losses with various portions of optic pathway disease.
List retinal areas to evaluate and associated parameters during the fundoscopic examination.
Correlate disorders of eye position and movement with peripheral cranial nerve disease, internuclear ophthalmoplegia and gaze palsy’s.
List current vertebrobasilar risk assessment options as well as the value and limitations of each.
Outline the position of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) in regard to vertebrobasilar ischemia (VBI) provocative testing in the chiropractic office.
Identify suggested effects of elevated homocystine levels above 7.2 umol/L.
Perform procedures recommended by the author to evaluate candidates for manipulative therapy.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions involving the cranial nerves or their central connections.
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