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Neurological Examination Flow – A Brief Review
Objectives - Neurology 214d
Course Instructor: Joseph S. Ferezy, DC
CE: One (1) Classroom Hour
Format: Video of live class
Class Description:
This class is designed to introduce the practicing doctor of chiropractic to a suggested neurological examination flow, as well as providing a pneumonic to remember parts of the neurological examination and a discussion of how lesions of different parts of the nervous system might be demonstrated on examination.
Class Objectives:
Correctly assess the “level of the lesion” in case scenario questions.
Identify the components of the neurological examination.
Demonstrate a basic examination flow from sitting to standing, to the supine and prone positions.
Outline "Ferezy's MSR's" which is a pneumonic devise to help recall areas needing to be tested.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the central nervous system.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the peripheral nervous system.
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